Questions / Answers

Any questions you have about the Annex 1C and all our qualified answers

No more secrets about the arrival of the smart tachograph and new driver cards !

We have tried to summarize all the questions relating to this new European regulation. If one or more questions can not be answered below, please give us a feedback.

Annex 1C is the technical part of the new European regulation in force on 15 June 2019. It sets the framework for the implementation of this new regulation. This is the name of the annex to EU Regulation 2016/799, amended by EU Regulation 2018/502, which lays down the implementing rules for the original Regulation EU 165/2014.

The main objective is to make reliable and secure elements related to road transport activities. This by equipping vehicles with communicating equipment, and drivers with new cards. Fraud should be better controlled while facilitating controls.

Data downloading and archiving procedures are directly impacted. Download hardware must be updated or replaced. The archiving software must be updated by your suppliers as of June 15, 2019. Contact us on this subject for assistance in the compliance of your hardware and software.

The infringements do not change. You risk in case of control criminal infringements for failure to archive or failure to download legal data.

It is a communicating tachograph, equipped with new devices and having these specifications:

  • It’s safer and allows a better encryption of data
  • It allows to respect the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • It allows the authorities to control remotely, vehicle in motion, some data from the tachograph
  • It records the geolocated positions of the driver and the vehicle
  • An interface allowing the change of information with third party applications (ITS / STI)

 All vehicles subject to wares over 3.5T or transport vehicle with more than 9 places.

From June 15, 2019 for all new vehicle registered.

No, I have until June 15, 2034 for change my disc tachograph or my old generation tachograph.

VDO put on the market the DTCO 4.0 tachograph and STONERIDGE his new model SE5000 Exakt Duo.

No, you can repair it. The equipment obligation with a new tachograph of second generation won’t come until June 15, 2034.

 A provisional registration certificate will be delivered to vehicles which ask a registration before the June 15. So, these vehicle could be delivered with old generation tachograph.

With your present equipment, you can only collect C1B files, with the old legal form. You don’t respond to the new regulations. To download the new format, you can inquire us if it is possible to do an update or if you have to replace your equipment if it is too old.

If you have a new tachograph from second generation, your present equipment is unusable. You can inquire us if it is possible to do an update or if you have to replace your equipment if it is too old.

We advise you to inquire us to know the level of compatibility of your equipment and if it is possible to update it. Each designer has his own process et there isn’t general rules. We are specialist about equipment TG2S, SOGESTMATIC, VDO CONTINENTAL ACTIA and TACHOSYS.

They are extensions of legal files saved on the tachograph’s mass memory. These files contain a lot of information about the vehicle. The V1B file is the french extension for the vehicle legal file. The DDD file is generate in the other European country than France, except Spain with the TGD file.

The time limit is the same as the old V1B: all the 90 days of activity.

The time limit is the same as the old V1B : for one year.

There are extensions of legal files saved on the puce of the driver card. These files contain a lot of information about the driver activity. The C1B file is the french extension for the driver legal file. The DDD file is generate in the other European country than France, except Spain with the TGD file.

The time limit is the same as the old C1B file : all the 28 days of activity.

The time limit is the same as the old C1B: for 3 years if the data are used for the social gestion of your driver, otherwise one year. In order to avoid any problem, we advise you to archive this data for 3 years in all cases.

Yes, it is useless to ask for a new driver card. You can wait the end of validity to request a renewal.

Yes, your driver card can also be use in a first generation than a second generation of tachograph.

The main changes that will appear on the new card are:

  • Black and white picture
  • G2 mention appear below on the recto
  • 8 mention – address is new at the recto and description on the verso

The material of the card is modified, as well as the picture at the background more secured. Then the chip is also modified for more security.

In France, CHRONOSERVICES will delivered new cards from the week of 10 June, 2019.

On the second generation’s driver card, “G2” sign appear at the bottom left of the recto.

The validity period is the same as the present: so 5 years.

For the France, it is “Imprimerie nationale” via IN GROUP – CHRONOSERVICES who is the only one to provide this card. Whether for a new card or a renewal. You should contact them : 0821 20 30 31 or via mail at this adress : .

The price is the same, since June 15, 2019 it is 63 euros including taxes (shipping costs includes).

Yes. In the context of interoperability, company cards delivered before June 15, 2019 will be used with all the digital tachographs generation.

The validity period is the same as the present, so 5 years.

For the France, it is “Imprimerie nationale” via IN GROUP – CHRONOSERVICES who is the only one to provide this card. Whether for a new card or a renewal. You should contact them 0821 20 30 31 or via mail at this adress :

The price is the same, since June 15, 2019 it is 63 euros including taxes (shipping costs includes).

No. Your current software will archive and can continue to archive driver (C1B) and vehicle (V1B) data as it did before. However, it won’t be able to archive new format data. You should contact your computer software provider (if they haven’t done it yet). Or contact a specialist in this new regulation by contacting us.

No. Only new driver cards used on second generation tachographs will provide a new C1B file. And only second generation tachographs will provide a new V1B file. For others cases, you will continue to keep the old archive C1B data for drivers et old V1B data for vehicles.

Yes. From June 15, 2019, your software must archive available data on the driver card and on the smart tachograph, so news C1B and V1B filest if they are present. Otherwise, you commit a category 5 criminal offense for failure to archive legal data.

As is and legally no. However, your computer software provider will probably update this part to allow you to take advantage of the latest functionality (driver or vehicle GPS position for example).